
Showing posts from December, 2019

Climate Change Doesn't Go Away At Christmastime

Are you there, internet? It’s me, Demery! What’s it been…40…50 years? I can understand why you didn’t recognize me. I cut off a chunk of my hair, so maybe it’s that. I got a new job, and then quickly moved to another new job, so maybe my business casual vibe threw ya off. Maybe it’s just the “employed” look in general. Do I seem more sophisticated and less desperate than my grunge, begging-for-a-job style of early 2019? I can tell ya I certainly don’t always   feel   more sophisticated. Well, internet it is good as heck to see ya. Sorry for the morbid blog title but I wanted to chat with you about a few important things, excluding Justin Timberlake this time (sorry). In no particular order of importance, those things are: Christmas, Christmas shopping, avoiding capitalistic/unsustainable tendencies while also buying some sick gifts for those loved ones (or obligatory ones) on your list, and taking another shot at pitching my personal Christmas playlist.   Charlie gets it.