Climate Change Doesn't Go Away At Christmastime

Are you there, internet? It’s me, Demery! What’s it been…40…50 years? I can understand why you didn’t recognize me. I cut off a chunk of my hair, so maybe it’s that. I got a new job, and then quickly moved to another new job, so maybe my business casual vibe threw ya off. Maybe it’s just the “employed” look in general. Do I seem more sophisticated and less desperate than my grunge, begging-for-a-job style of early 2019? I can tell ya I certainly don’t always feel more sophisticated. Well, internet it is good as heck to see ya. Sorry for the morbid blog title but I wanted to chat with you about a few important things, excluding Justin Timberlake this time (sorry). In no particular order of importance, those things are: Christmas, Christmas shopping, avoiding capitalistic/unsustainable tendencies while also buying some sick gifts for those loved ones (or obligatory ones) on your list, and taking another shot at pitching my personal Christmas playlist. Charli...