It's Finals Season, but More Importantly, Michael Bublé Season

"In the spirit of studying for finals, I have spent my time creating a blog instead." -Demery Gijsbers

There is logic behind this quote: Panic is engrained in every final exam season, and that is "how much will this test really affect my future?!" So in thinking about (or: freaking out about) my future, I consider the advice given to me by others in the tech industry -- that's the industry I'm in (or want to be in, rather). Their wise words are "an online presence is great" (WOW super wise), and may even be key to landing a decent job. So if you're thinking of hiring me and you're reading this post, then you've discovered my secret! Please still consider my application. A decent job is ideal, so an online presence in the form of a blog is how I am taking control of my future. (Do any of us really have control though???

I've always been a closet writer. I guess we're revealing a couple secrets tonight. Ahh vulnerability!! Secret #3: I had a huge crush on my english teacher one year (but I won't say which year!) so I was able to channel that unrequited love into a blossoming appreciation for words. However, striving to exist in the tech industry doesn't leave a ton of room for writing. "But these are two of my passions! Ugh!" I exclaimed to myself, and that's how I ended up here (Thx @Blogger). I shall use this space to combine those passions! Stick with me though, because I've still got some writing kinks to work out. So if you're saying to yourself, "Yes, Demery. I follow every word. I'm interested. I'll be back for more posts!" then know that you'll see a lot of stuff about technology, but probs also an equal amount of my (unfiltered) observations about the world and myself living in it.

Which brings us to the most important part of this post: Michael Bublé. He thrives in all of our Spotify queues around this time of year, even if it is in the background of three different final exam prep screens and quiet weeping about the future. Thank you Mr. Bublé for serenading my soul, and for doing the Christmas season absolute justice with your butter vocal cords. I appreciate all you do for struggling students just scraping by before the holiday break. Love you. 

Well, thanks for being here. It's been a joy to type at you. Stay cool and please consider endorsing my skills on LinkedIn. A vote for Demery is a vote for her future. And if you need a Christmas playlist for the season, here's link to my own  "Christmas Faves" - it's a ranked playlist. In my heart. 

All my best and then some,



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